Thursday 30 January 2020

Thursday, January 30 - Share Day!

Today we had a "time check" with clocks but no hands! We had to write in the time
the minute and hour hands...ask me where the minute hand and hour hand are when
the time is ____:30 or half past, ____:00 or o'clock, ____:15 or quarter past, and ___:45 '
or quarter to!

Most of us finished up printing our Oreo writing on the computer today.

In Gym, we all shared a "routine" for gymnastic moves!

We finished up the day with sharing our Timelines for Calgary.

The little jams that came home yesterday are from a student's grandma in the other 
class - usually she makes them for all the grade 1/2's so we are very thankful she 
included our grade 3's this year!!

No school tomorrow - it's a non-instructional day. See you in February!

Report Cards coming home today, thanks for signing and returning the envelopes 
so we can recycle them for June!

Thank you for getting your signed field trip forms back today! I think those tickets 
were a real motivator:) If you can volunteer on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4th,
afternoon from 12-2:30pm let me know. 
The BELLA CONCERT HALL will be so great!

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Tuesday, January 28th Twin/Triplet Day!

We will be going to the beautiful BELLA CONCERT HALL at Mount Royal as a whole school FIELD TRIP next TUESDAY afternoon, FEBRUARY 4th. We will need VOLUNTEERS so if you are available, please let Mrs. Armour know. It will be a wonderful afternoon! Thanks so much!

Today was Twin/Triplet (and more!)Day. Thank you Spirit Club for the fun idea! Check out our pictures below. 

Mrs. Armour's son Jack and nephew Keith came to our class yesterday and today to volunteer because they have a break from high school. Ask me if they helped me with some of my learning! 


We are learning about how to tell time from an analog clock. We are always asking "What time is it?" so this will help us problem solve by looking at the clock in our classroom! There are so many things to learn...the hour hand moves slowly from one number to the next every hour, the minute hand moves faster moving from one number to the next every 5 minutes! Also, we are connecting time to fractions by thinking in halves and quarters! Our daily warm up this week is reading a clue, turning the hands of our mini clocks to match and then finding our partner that has the same time on their clock!ASK ME WHAT TIME IT fair looking at a digital watch:)

Such great bloggers yesterday!! Mrs. Armour took the pictures and is just going to share the white boards...super work Blog team!!

Friday 24 January 2020

Happy Lunar New Year!! Friday, January 24th, 2020

Today we did a whole class blog - thank you everyone for helping!!

We read The Great Race story. It was about 12 animals who were racing to the Jade city. Ask me which animals were in the race and what happend at the end.

We coloured pictures of dragons. Some of us coloured more than one. We are bringing them home for Chinese New Year. We read with our Big Buddies.

We started investigating bridges and what makes them strong. We watched a video about bridges. There were 3 types in the video: Beam, Truss and Suspension bridges. Ask me about them!

We walked from Dr. Coffin to the Whispering Grasses walkway. We found out Dr. E.W. Coffin helped name the walkway! We drew the bridge in our journals. We sketched a picture and made 2 close ups. Ask me about the shape and why it isn't just a straight beam bridge. 

We did our Ninja necklaces and Starbox. Karthik got his metallic gold bead today! Ninja student!

We played mini basketball games yesterday in gym.

Most of us shared our OREO writing with Mrs. Polski and are bringing it home to show you. We will get to write another OREO writing next week to practice - this time we get to choose between animals, food, activities or places this time!

We will be SHARING our Timelines next week for Social Studies. Ask me which decades my group is about.

Mr. O'Reilly and Ms. Brunsch are now both helping us one afternoon a week with our Guided Reading Groups/Literacy Circle and "Ketchup Klub"- Hurray!

Tuesday is TWIN/TRIPLET day. We are finding a buddy and dressing the same and there will be a photo booth in the Library. Thanks Spirit Club!

Friday, January 31st is a non-instruction day. 

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Tuesday, January 21st - Treat Day!

During math we are dividing into 3 smaller guided groups and working on our daily warm up word problem, and math 4 ways - choosing cards and combining them to make addition, subtraction, multiplication and - only if we want a challenge! - division.

During writing and reading we are also dividing into smaller groups so Mrs. Armour can have more check in time with all of us!
Writing workshop - we are doing t/j/p/r this week for cursive writing. We are continuing to work on our "opinion writing" learning that it's a little different than the hamburger writing. We need to use the words, "In my opinion" or "I believe" or "I think" in the beginning and ending sentences.
Mrs. Polski is coming in to listen to our "opinion writing" on Thursday, so we are working hard to edit them and practice reading them to convince her our opinion is right! :) Most of us started new guided reading books today. Ask me what I read and if I can answer the 5W questions.

We are also reading stories about Chinese Lunar New Year. Did you know it is the Year of the Rat?
Ask me what Sam decided to do with his $4.00 in the book we read today, Sam and the Lucky Money by Karen Chinn. Yesterday we read Chinese New Year's Dragon by Rachel Sing.

We took a break from basketball and had gym outside today because it was SO mild and lovely.

While we were working on our Calgary Timeline posters, we had a fire drill! Even though some of us were in the Library and some of us were in the classroom and not even the teachers knew about it - Mrs. Polski said we all got out in under a minute!!

We discussed what we had added to our posters at the end of the day. Once we are done our posters we will make a whole class timeline from before 1911 - 2021! Then we will make a slideshow to present.

This mild weather is supposed to continue through Fresh Air Friday, so we are looking forward to being outside for a lot of the morning and comparing the Group of 7 landscapes that we created in art with those around us and choosing a "picture" to sketch. Thanks for dressing for the weather.

Looking ahead to next week - reminder that Friday, January 31st is a non-instructional day. 

Friday 17 January 2020

Blue/Fresh! Air Friday

Today was a whole class blog - thanks for everyone's contributions!

Ask me to explain OREO writing - Opinion Reason Example Opinion
I should have brought a page home to show you along with my weekly blog to sign - thank you!

This week was definitely a blue/inside week! Next week, we are excited about it warming up and having outside time again - especially on Fresh Air Friday!

On Fridays, instead of having recess, we have a quick nutrition break and get back to learning because it is a short day!

The whole school did an exercise break today around the inside of the school - jogging, sidestepping like lemurs, jumping jacks, push-ups and lunges - it was great!

Today we helped with Big Pick Up because we didn't have Big Buddies.

Maegan's first 2 weeks at Dr. Coffin was been great.

In music, we learned about theory - what the notes are called and how many are in each bar.

We all did Math 8 ways today - ask me how I know if a number is odd or even!

For Social Studies we are in groups doing a poster timeline of one chunk of Calgary's history - ask me what decade(s) I'm working on and what happened in that time.

Most of us have cabin fever!:)

We wrote the letters c, i , u and w during writing workshop - it was brilliant!

We had a great visit with SaaKokoto but it was too short! He told us the story of the mouse travelling to the Beautiful Land. We can't wait until he returns!


Library on Monday and PLUS temperatures...HURRAY!!!

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Winter Wednesday...brrrrr....

Hello! I apologize this week has slid by and as Ms. Moren was here yesterday, the blog didn't get done!

A couple of quick reminders until Friday...

Thanks for all the bundling up and getting to school on these frigid days...we have been having Blue days and have stayed inside except for zipping in for Library, Gym and Music.

Mr. O'Reilly will be here for a few more hours at Dr. Coffin - hurray! We will be switching our Wednesday music time to 2:00PM instead of 9:45AM...this will give us a nice active break on Wednesday afternoons with Gym 1-1:30pm and then Music 2-2:45pm.

Hurray! SaaKokoto is coming for a visit tomorrow!! He will be visiting with the whole school in the Learning Commons first thing and then each class throughout the day.

We have continued to practice our review of printing and new cursive writing with c, i, u and w this week. This is so good for our brains and fine motor as we say the sound, think of words with the letter and write a sentence!

We read the book Martin's Big Words today as it is Martin Luther King Jr. day today in the United States, but we decided he was such an important guy and did some amazing things so we wanted to celebrate and remember him today. Ask me about him!

It was a bit of a crazy day today and Mrs. Armour had to have several discussions about how we learn best when we are following the rules and doing our best work (ninja students!). We ran laps in the gym to try and get some energy out. Some of us are bringing home work that we didn't finish during class because we were not focused. Thank you for having a discussion about being the best respectful Dr. Coffin students you all are and come ready to learn tomorrow with SaaKokoto.

Stay cozy!! Watch the sky for that chinook arch coming on the weekend!!

Friday 10 January 2020

Fresh Air Friday

Hi! We waited until the end of the morning to go snowshoeing and it was just perfect weather! We pretended to be explorers being chased by buffalo and trying to make it back to Fort Calgary! We also enjoyed hot chocolate - THANK you parent volunteers!!

This week for Social studies most of us finished watching the historical videos about Calgary and writing our Timeline.

Our basketball skills are improving and we get some time to work on "tricks/talents" to share.
We will continue with basketball next week.

We had a "ketchup" morning today (ask me what I worked on) and started our new "weekly self blog".  This will help each of us become more involved in our own learning by looking back over our week and thinking about what we learned and how we learned. It should be in our backpacks. Please ask to see it and look over our cursive writing and math pages. Thanks for signing it and feel free to write any comments you may have on the sheet. Thanks for sending it back before next Friday. We will plan to do this each week for the next while so you can see what we are working on and to help with communication!

The weather forecast looks COLD next week - thanks for bundling up in case the temperature goes above -20C and we get some time outside. An extra sweater or sweatshirt to go between the Clubhouse and the main school is always a good idea!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO IAIN on Wednesday, January 1st! We hope you had a great New Years day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AADHYA on Wednesday, January 8th! We hope you have a fun-filled birthday party!

Monday is Library.
Thursday is Healthy Hunger Lunch!


Hi Clubhouse Families; Just a reminder we have moved to GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all our learning. Please remember to sign in with your child&...