Friday 31 May 2019

(Not) Fresh Air Friday (cough, cough!)

We stayed inside today! We shared our Arctic stories with our Big Buddy "Editors" to help get more ideas.

We researched more ideas for our Nova Scotia/Acadian adventure. Our Music group discovered the musician Dave Gunning - try You Tube to hear some of his songs! Our Food group discovered some delicious sounding scallops and oatcakes! Our "Places to Visit" discovered wild Sable Island and Peggy's Cove. Our Jobs group discovered mining - did you know Nova Scotia has a working gold mine?

We had inside recess - Happy Birthday to Anya and thanks for sharing cupcakes:)

We started our Boat Building Training beginning with a Cork Boat. Ask me what I discovered about "keels"

We ended with ipad time for math and word games and Anya's sharing "just dance"

We hope the air clears quickly - have a great weekend!

Thursday 30 May 2019

Little Archimedes Challenge and Math Songs by "Number Rock"


We found some fun math songs today! If you google "math songs by number rock" you can listen at  home!

We thought the place value and coins were a good way to practice even though the coins were

American coins. Can you remember what the Canadian coins have on the penny, nickel, dime and

quarter? The 3D shapes is also a great way to learn the names of shapes of things all around us!

Wednesday 29 May 2019


Today we discovered more things about Meteghan, Nova Scotia and continued working on
our powerpoint presentations or travel brochures. Did you know the flag has the Scottish royal arms on it (the red lion)? Did you know if you sailed a boat straight west across the Bay of Fundy from Meteghan, Nova Scotia, you would land in Maine, United States?

We continued writing our Arctic stories this morning, adding interesting details to our characters and the events that happened.

Ask me what I did in Math group today. One of the pictures shows the tubs of what we are using to
represent hundreds, tens and ones. What numbers could I create with 15 ones and 9 tens?

This afternoon we painted with water colours for our special project.

Outside for gym we did fitness stations. It was hot and felt like summer! Thank you for sending our water bottles with us!

We had Music this afternoon - ask me what we did.

Tomorrow Mrs. Kidd is away, so we exchanged our books today if we had returned them. If not, we can keep them until next week.

We are still doing the Home Reading program, so thank you for reading with us at night and sending in our book bags for an exchange!

Just a reminder that next FRIDAY, JUNE 7th is an non-instructional day, so no school for students.
Looking ahead - Monday, June 24th is Sports Day, Tuesday, June 25th is our year end assembly and
Grade 6 Farewell.

Tuesday 28 May 2019


Today we had a Dr. Coffin Assembly. We thanked the grade 3/4's for caring about the environment and teaching us about where to put our recycling!

We worked on our Arctic story map together and tried to think of 3 events that happened before we wrote our ending. This makes our story more interesting and exciting. Ask me what I thought of for my events!

Ask me what I did in Math group - in Mrs. Armour's group we used 100 blocks, 10 rods and 1cubes to represent lots of numbers. Ask me if I can show you the number 47 and 123 in three different ways!

After lunch and quiet reading, we did some more research on Nova Scotia. Ask me what I discovered!

For Gym we did lacrosse skills. It was fun. We practiced throwing and scooping and catching. Some of us were in a group of 4!

Today was Elizabeth's sharing. She shared her "pomsie" named Snowball that made lots of fun noises.
What a day it was!

Tomorrow is Run Club - thanks for wearing your hat and filling up your water bottle for our summer like weather.

Monday 27 May 2019


It was so beautiful today! The weather looks like summer for the next couple of days, so thanks for sending water bottles and a hat for outside.

Today we had the school-wide photo at the playground. If you would like to order one, the FORM is coming home today - thanks for checking backpacks.

Also the SWIM certificate is coming home today. As was mentioned - there were no official "levels" so your child will just have one or more boxes checked off. Our swim lessons at school are just great practice - hopefully everyone will swim a lot this summer on their own:)

Math groups today worked on "doubles", regrouping, or showing numbers in different ways (43, forty-three, 4 tens and 3 ones, 30+13) Ask me what I worked on!

We are starting our research for Meteghan, Nova Scotia. Our options are to make a powerpoint using Google slides or a travel brochure. We all have to find out about the culture, food, music, places to visit, things to see, wildlife and interesting facts. We all agree Nova Scotia looks like a great place to visit!

We are planning and designing our own boats, a reminder is being sent home if you have any supplies you can send with your child (a suggested list is provided), it would be greatly appreciated!

Yay - we had music today!! With swimming lessons, Victoria Day and the Glenbow Museum field trip we have missed seeing Mr. O'Reilly and were excited to get back to our recorders today!


Thursday 23 May 2019


Today we worked on our "problem" for our Arctic Tale. We brainstormed some ideas.

  • hungry
  • lost
  • tired
  • no friends
And then we thought of how to use our knowledge of the Arctic and animals to add details.
  • seals are hard to catch because they can stay underwater for a long time
  • Arctic animals are mostly white (camouflage) so they are hard to see
  • some animals migrate hundreds of miles so they could get lost if they don't stay with the group
  • if there was a blizzard they might lose their way
Ask me what the "problem" in my story is and what details I added.

In Mrs. Armour's math group, we practiced "doubles" adding and discussed how knowing these helps us with all of our adding (knowing 8+8=16 helps us with 8+9) and practiced adding with dice. 
We also discussed place value 1's, 10's, 100's. 
Try 321 + 9 = 

After Fun Lunch we read with a friend, watched a video about The Bluenose schooner and had library time.
We are learning some facts about the Blue Nose and doing something special for Father's Day. (shhh)

Here is a website to learn even more! We will watch this tomorrow.

For gym we are working on our fitness, so we played a game Ahoy Captain! We had to run to different spots when the Captain yelled, Port/Starboard/Stern/Bow/Clean the Deck/Ship wreck.

Tomorrow is FRESH AIR FRIDAY. The weather might be cloudy or rainy, so thanks for dressing for the weather to be outside - we are going to help with weeding the gardens in the sun circle to get ready for planting next week!

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Glenbow Museum - Blackfoot and Inuit

We had a great day at the Glenbow Museum learning about the Blackfoot people
and their language and way of life. We also impressed the lady with how much
we knew about the Inuit, the Arctic animals, artifacts and their way of life!
Ask me which parts I found most interesting!
Thank you to our volunteers!!!

Abel got the bone on the stick!! Way to go!


Hi Clubhouse Families; Just a reminder we have moved to GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all our learning. Please remember to sign in with your child&...