Monday 30 March 2020

Welcome Back Message Monday March 30

Hi Clubhouse Students and Parents; 

What a different "Welcome back to school!" day this was for all of us! Thank you so much for all your support and understanding as we move into this new adventure of learning from home. Mumford the dog has been the most excited as he gets at least two walks a day now! Meg is home from university (yay!) so we now have three students and one teacher all busy learning and working from our home. I miss seeing all of your smiling faces in our busy classroom, but we will stay connected and get through this together! Our school community is here to support you. Do not hesitate to reach out to me or Mrs. Polski if your family needs anything.  

Moving forward, our learning plans will be posted on our blog starting this Friday, with the assignments for the following week. We hope that by providing this on Fridays you will be able to work with your child to make a schedule for the upcoming week that works for you. 

Before we begin providing our weekly learning tasks, we need some information from you to help us meet the needs of each family. This week, please work together with your parents to send me an email by Wednesday, April 1st - no fooling😉 ( 
In the email please answer the following questions: 
1.How are things going? What have you been up to?  
2 .What is your family plan for learning-from-home? When do you think you will  do your schoolwork? What challenges do you anticipate you might encounter with learning from home?  
3. What technology can you use for school (eg. Computer, laptop, iPad, tablet etc.)? Do you have access to the internet? Is your only option a paper-based learning package? 
4. Do you have access to a printer? 
5. Are you able to log-in to your Google account? You will use your email address ending in and your school password (just like logging-in to the computers at school).  
6. Do you have any questions or concerns for me?

Please also continue reading in Raz-kids and complete this week’s assignments in Mathletics.  

I miss you all and I am excited to start learning together again, even if it is remotely. Take care of yourself and your family.  

Mrs. Armour

Heather J. Armour
be kind, do good.

Friday 13 March 2020

Friday, March 13th

Wow! What a blizzard out there today! This morning our "fresh air" was when we ran from the Clubhouse into the school to get Chromebooks and to read and play games with our Big Buddies!

Some of us were finishing up our "Olfigger from Iceland" stories (we were re-telling from Ms. Karen Gummo) and some of us were working on slide shows about St. Patrick!

Ms. Gummo came on Wednesday and told us a story about 2 neighbours, a fence and a bridge. We got into groups of 3 and practiced retelling it. Then we shared with the class. Ask me to retell it!

Next Monday and Wednesday Ms. Gummo our storyteller is back to tell us more stories! We will be listening hard to practice retelling the beginning, middle, and end.

In Math, we are continuing to work on repeated addition and subtraction and how that connects with multiplication and division. During our "daily warm-ups," we sometimes have challenge questions that we work on all together. Yesterday, we discovered the difference between AREA and PERIMETER and went around the room measuring things with non-standard measurement! Ask me what I measured and what I used to measure with!

Unfortunately, SaaKokoto was sick and unable to visit on Thursday. In the next few weeks, we are going to be discussing what Calgary and the land around looked like before 1911. Did you know Calgary was named Calgary in 1884? Before that, the First Nations had 5 different names for what is now called Calgary - we will discover those in the next weeks too!

We looked up the flags of some of the Treaty 7 nations and drew The Blackfoot Nation flag. Ask me about the colours and what is on the flag. We are hoping SaaKokoto can tell us all about it when he comes to visit us next time.

A reminder that next week TREAT DAY is CANCELED. We are making this decision to keep everyone healthy. 

Thank you for staying home if you or anyone in your family is feeling sick or coughing...we will continue to do our best to keep everyone safe and healthy. Stay cozy and read together this weekend:)

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Tuesday, March 10th

Thanks to Aadhya, Avery, Anya and Lily who wrote the Blog today!

Writing: We continued to retell the story of Mrs. Karen Gummo's great grandparents in writing. We shared at the carpet some of our stories to give us all more ideas. Some of us were working on our beginning, middle, ending and some of us were typing up our stories.

Math: We made posters for Math and Science Night. It was about Arrays, Multiplication and Addition and Subtraction. Ask me if I can explain the commutative law!

Gym: We did partners and warm up stations and moved every minute

Science: We did another bridge test all together at the carpet today. Ask me whether the long thin tube or the four short tubes were stronger and more stable.

Technology: We did multiplication on a new website.
If you google "self correcting multiplication quizzes" it should come up - it will keep track of how many you got right (green), wrong (red), right but took awhile (yellow) and how long it took you to complete it. 

Thursday March 12:

Saakokoto is coming again for a visit!

On Thursday we have an open house. It is a math and science night from 5-7pm. You can bring whoever you want

OUR TREAT DAY is Tuesday, March 17th - if everyone can bring a dozen of something to sell at recess. 12 items x 22 students is 264 items. That is so everyone in the school can buy at least one thing. Ideas: cookies, pencils, erasers, popcorn (in little bags), cupcakes, little oranges...anything GREEN for St. Patrick's Day:)

Friday 6 March 2020

Friday, March 6th

We all helped with the blog today!

This morning we did a project about windmills. 

Our task was to create a windmill that turned in the wind.

We used materials that people usually throw in recycling.

Some didn't fly because the windmill was too stiff.

We went outside to test our windmills. 

Roman's windmill turned (rotated)120 times in a minute!!

He used origami paper, a pin, 2 skewers, the top of an eraser, 2 straws, 1 popsicle stick and lots of tape! 

There were 5 groups and 2 people worked on their own. 

Some people had too much tape so it didn't spin. 

Next time maybe we could

Today was windy so it was a great day to test windmills!

Everybody had different jobs like supply manager and builder, designer...

Only 2 windmills worked or turned in the wind. 


Don't forget to SPRING AHEAD one hour on Saturday night before bed! 

Thursday, March 12th, Math/Science Night 5-7pm Please bring in your bottles to add to our new recycling bin outside to help pay for our "one use snack wrapper" boxes. 

OUR TREAT DAY Tuesday, MARCH 17th. We are switching with Room 6/7. Please be thinking of something you can make or bring to sell for treat day - it would be fun if it was GREEN:) 

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Tuesday, March 3rd

In the morning we are working on our capital letters in cursive and our writing this week is a challenge - to write a letter in cursive! We are doing a rough draft of ideas in our journal and then practicing all the letters in a real old-fashioned letter to someone we care about!

We are continuing to work on adding/subtracting/multiplying and all the different strategies to help us learn what works best for us. Today we reviewed "regrouping our houses" (100/10/1) using cards to come up with 2 and 3 digit numbers to add and subtract.

We had a wonderful storyteller, Karen Gummo, come to the Clubhouse to share stories of her ancestors who came from Iceland to Canada and settled right around the Calgary area. Ask me to re-tell the story of her great grandmother and grandfather living off the land and herding sheep!

Yesterday we went outside for gym but today we were inside using scooters.

TOMORROW IS STUFFIE DAY! We can bring one stuffie and wear a onesie if we want.

Thanks to Karthik, Avery and Yazmine (and Iain when he recovers!) who are helping with blog this week!


Hi Clubhouse Families; Just a reminder we have moved to GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all our learning. Please remember to sign in with your child&...