Friday 27 September 2019

Fresh! Air Friday - Run For Terry *Orange Shirt Day Monday*


Terry ran from the Atlantic Ocean to Thunder Bay. 

Terry skipped when he ran because he only had one good leg.

He was only 22 years old. Terry sacrificed for us.

We watched this video about Terry...

Here's what we all had to say about today...

Our class ran 101 laps! Dr. E.W. Coffin ran over 1000 laps! 


We had an assembly for the Terry Fox Run.

At the assembly the grade 5/6 led us through some warm up exercises.

We barely had time for a snack before the run, so finished after.

The warm-ups were better than last year. 

I ran with Kipling and we did 7 laps.

I ran with Elizabeth and did 6 laps.

We ran for Terry and Terry ran for us. 

We are still trying to find a cure.

People are running for Terry. 

You don't run for points, you run for Terry!

I ran for my Mom.

Happy Birthday Kais and Yazmine!!

Ask me about being a NINJA STUDENT.




Non-instructional Day: Friday, October 11th

Thanksgiving Day - Monday, October 14th 

PICTURE DAY: Wednesday, October 16th

Thursday 26 September 2019

Thursday - Link to Best Neighbourhood Article

Guess which neighbourhood is the best to live in Calgary? What makes a great community?

Terry Fox Run rain, shine or snow - dress for the weather! Assembly kick off at 10:15 am.
Food Truck here from 11:30 - 2:00 pm.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Tuesday, September 25th

Yesterday, Mrs. Armour was at a meeting in the morning so we were excited that Mr. O'Reilly was able to come to The Clubhouse to help us with our Daily Warm Up and Journal writing. (We could write about our weekend or start with this sentence..."If you could invent anything, what would it be and why?" Ask me what I wrote we had more time to add interesting details and juicy words, check for spelling mistakes and if what we wrote made sense. We are supposed to find 2 friends to read our writing and ask them if they have any ideas to improve it. We are learning that writing is a process, not an event. Great writing takes time and a lot of editing!

For math we all thought our problem was was too easy! That means we are using the logical reasoning strategy well. By reading the clues one at a time and finding all the answers that are not right, it is much easier to find the answer! Here is one to try at home.

      Sam has 5 pets. She has a bird, a turtle, a cat, a snake and a hamster. She took all of them to
      the fair. One of them won first prize. Here are some hints.
           It can't fly.
           It has four legs.
           It is not furry.
      Which one of the pets won the prize?

Today we learned the making a table strategy. Here is a short version of one of the problems we worked on. Ask me which are the important (vs. interesting) words to highlight. It is great if you can figure this out in your head (mental math)! It is still important to learn how to show your steps so when the problems get harder, you can remember the steps.

      How many elves were at the picnic. Here are the clues.
         There were more than 15.
         There were fewer than 24.
         There was an even number of elves.
         The number had an 8 in the ones place.
    How many elves came to the picnic?

In technology time we had the choice to do Dance Mat typing or RAZ kids. Ask me if I was able log in without any help today!

Today was Treat Day! We had to bring in 25 cents to buy a treat. Mrs. Armour opens her "Bank Armour" if you forget - you can write a loan note for a quarter and bring it back tomorrow!
Thank you to Room 1 for supplying our snacks!

In Gym we are getting ready for the TERRY FOX RUN on Friday starting with our assembly at 10:15 am! Thank you to our volunteers who will be needed around the course so we can stay on track and those who help count our laps! The weather people are telling us it might be cold, rainy or even snowy, so make sure we all DRESS FOR THE WEATHER. Remember Terry ran 42 km every day while he was  running, so we will try our best to run at least 2 km!
We are running laps all week to get ready. Today we played Duck, Duck, Goose after we ran!

Yesterday we watched a short video showing us how to blend warm and cool colours to show a sunrise and sunset. Today we drew a line in the middle of the page and used pastels and blended with paper towel. We coloured and blended a lot so there was no white spaces. One side was to show morning the other side to show night - (ask me what colours I used for each side).

After quiet reading time, we are starting to share our books to let our friends know who the author is and what was our favourite part.

Thanks to our bloggers this week Karthik, Avery, Iain and Yazmine and all our other classroom helpers.

Have a great day!

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Monday - Wednesday Update

Here we are checking out the Book Fair in the Learning Commons! We were
all quite excited to hear about so many book choices from Mrs. Kidd and
browse with our "wish lists". We are hoping to share these with you and show
you around during our Meet, Greet and Learn Night Thursday from 5-7pm. 
Please plan to come and visit our classroom, say hello to Mrs. Armour, see some
of our learning so far and visit the Book Fair!

In Math we are learning some new games to practice our addition, subtraction and
multiplication! Today we learned "Multiplication Madness" - all you need is a deck
of cards, a pencil and a paper (or a marker and a white board!). The first card (number)
tells us how many groups to draw and the second card tells us how many dots to
put in the group. Then we add them all up and see if we get the same number!

We also played race to 100 with buttons and dice.

In gym we are continuing with cooperation games. Today we played "over
and under". You really have to pay attention to the person in front of you and
work together as a team!

In Math we are starting to learn different strategies to solve problems. Drawing
a picture is a good strategy to use when there is a word story problem. We are
learning to find and highlight the important words and then turn the story into
number sentences to find the answer. Ask me how I did with the "Paula and the
skipping rope" story and the "Mouse who lost his crackers".

We had to be flexible as scientists to learn about light and our shadows. We had to wait for the sun! Ask me how my shadow changed from the morning to the afternoon.

Meet, Greet and Learn Evening 5-7pm Thursday, September 19th

(Happy Birthday to Max on September 19th)

Non-instructional Day on Friday - Enjoy your weekend! Pay attention to your
shadow when the sun is out and try to guess how it might look different in a few

Friday 13 September 2019

Fresh Air Friday Walk Around Our Community

Today after our "Big Pick Up" Recycling with Room 4/5, we
discussed what communities provide - ask me if I can remember all seven!
Ask me to name the places I saw as we walked around Brentwood.
(Hint: Places to Meet...Learn...)
As you walk and drive and bike around your community over the next week observe all the different buildings that you see and what they are used for.

It was great to see so many of you at the welcome back BBQ last evening!

Science update: can you find objects that are transparent, translucent and opaque around your home?
Check out what refraction looks like by asking if you can fill a glass half full with water and putting a straw in it. Does it matter if it is straight up and down or sideways? Observe the LIGHT around you - is it artificial or natural - how can you tell? Does the object REFLECT or ABSORB the light?


Thanks for dressing for the weather! (A pair of extra socks is a good idea for rainy days and a sweatshirt or sweater your child can leave on their coat hook).

MONDAY is our Library day for the year. Next week is BOOK FAIR - we will visit on Monday with our Wish Lists.
THURSDAY, September 19 is our Meet, Greet and Learn Evening from 5:00 -7:00 PM. It will be a chance for you to come and see our classroom, some of our learning, think about a goal for your child and visit the book fair!
FRIDAY, September 20 is a non-instructional day.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

"Today we (Clubhouse) exposed our knowledge about LIGHT!

"We also had a scavenger hunt about light" (we looked for objects that are transparent, translucent, opaque in our classroom. We found things that REFLECT, REFRACT and ABSORB.

Today in Music we made rain and thunder with our hands and feet. 

Some of us ran at lunch for RUN CLUB (every Wednesday is Run Club - wear your green Dr. Coffin sweatshirt or t-shirt and running shoes!)

Today we did Salut - a game for math. Some of us were captains, and had to add up our partners cards and tell them the answer. It was fun! Ask me about it. 

Tomorrow 5-7pm is the Welcome Back BBQ. 

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Hurray! We're back! Welcome to Our Clubhouse Blog!

Thank you for your patience while we resolved our technical issue!

Thanks to Anya, Kais, Abi and Levi who are helping with the Blog this week.
Here is some of what they wrote about our learning...

  • we were the "test class" for the laptops today
  • we worked on "math about me" and did some subtraction and addition "checks"
  • today we had gym inside and played a game called Kick and Throw. Ask me how to play!
  • in science we will be learning about light and shadow - here are some words we will be studying more...opaque, translucent, transparent, reflection, refraction.
  • did you know light bends and bounces?
We are also discovering the difference between a complete sentence and a fragment.
Ask me if I can give you an example of each. 

Our writing prompt on Monday was "If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?"
Ask me what I wrote about. (We could also choose to write about our weekend.)

Music days are Wednesday and Thursday.

Our Library day this year is Monday. 

Today we made "hexagon boxes" The challenge was to choose a number between
10 and 20 and make 6 equations. Ask me what my magic number was!

Our first Fresh Air Friday was all about learning to observe nature all around us.
We had a scavenger hunt to see how many different kinds of plants we could find,
then we sketched our favorite thing in our Art journals.

Here are our jobs for the week. Ask me about mine and what I'm responsible for.

If "Ketchup and Pickles" are on the board - this gives us time to "Catch-up"
or if we have completed all our tasks, we can "Pick" something we'd like to do - ask
me what my favourite "pick" is.

Last Thursday the whole school had a welcome back assembly. We always start with an
Acknowledgment of the Land, then Mr. O'Reilly leads us in O Canada. At the end of the assembly
we sing the Dr. Coffin song....can you sing along? "If you go down Barrett Drive..."

We are working hard to settle in to school and learn all our routines and expectations. Mrs. Armour read the book Decibella and then we discussed "voice levels".


WELCOME BACK BBQ is 5-7PM Thursday.


Hi Clubhouse Families; Just a reminder we have moved to GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all our learning. Please remember to sign in with your child&...