Wednesday 3 October 2018


This morning we worked on gathering all the parts to our Harvest recipe books, making a front and back cover and tying all the pages together. When we were done, we played a spelling game where we chose a card with a word on it, then we had to find all the letter tiles to spell it, then we had to print it on a white board. It was fun to see how many words we could write. 

Grade 2's had quiet reading while the grade 1's had printing. We are working on Cc, Oo, Ss, Vv, Ws this week. We are trying to make careful letters - 5 neat letters are better than 15 squished, so it is okay to take our time! Then we look through alphabet books to find words that begin with those letters and print them in our books. 

We watched a video about arthropods and reviewed the characteristics and learned they are divided into four categories by the number of legs. Ask me how many legs in each category and if I can remember an example. Then we chose one that we are interested in researching and wrote it on a sticky note. 

This week we are practicing soccer skills in the gym - forward, backward and stopping with control with our feet - today we tried keeping the ball on one colour while Mrs. Armour called out, "Red light! Green light!" and then played "Keep Away" and a couple short games. 

 In Math we are finishing up our Vehicle Survey graphs and discussing "What do we notice?" or "What information can we learn?" from a graph. We looked back at our Birthday graph and tried to think of all the "math things" we notice about our graph - here are some of the things we thought of...
...Thanks for bringing back your books so you can check out more!

Yes! We are still planning our TERRY FOX RUN on Friday. Assembly at 10:30AM, then walk/run after. Please join us! Depending on what the path looks like we might walk/run on the sidewalk around the school instead.

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Hi Clubhouse Families; Just a reminder we have moved to GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all our learning. Please remember to sign in with your child&...